Apparently do blog memes....who the fuck even makes these? O_O Anyways lets see what happens
Angry Red
1. Are you currently mad at someone?
Yes. Imad. Youmad?
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
See, this questions can be answered in two ways. One option would be to say myself, being that I am a part of the family, however this question is directed towards me, and specifically asks for MY 'family members', meaning someone other then myself in my family. Tut tut question maker, second question in and already an error.
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
I once threw a brick at someone (who was facing me and knew i was going to throw it). It didn't go very far at all.
4. Is anyone mad at you?
Seriously. Why would you ask me. I have no idea. Go ask every other person I know.
5. Are you usually mad?
I don't think anyone can be mad for >50% of their conscious life. Yet another stupid question...
6. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell?
I prefer to tap dance and sing.
Exciting Orange
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
No. But off topic, the title of this 'exciting orange' is misleading. It has been scientifically proven that orange is most associated with aggressiveness or hostile behaviour. If anything, it should be 'Angry Orange', and 'Exciting Red'
2. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?
The school gym. Can't wait.
3. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
...something along the lines of 'HOLY FUCK ME I JUST WON ONE MILLION DOLLARS'?? wouldn't everyone?
4. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
A Windows Zune. Love those things.
Yellow Belly Self
1. Name:
If you seriously don't know my name and you're on my blog then you're a creep. Congratulations.
2. Birthday:
May the force be with you.
3. What's your main goal in life?
To be born. See with that as my main goal, I can constantly feel validated and accomplished :D
4. Do you want to have children?
I never understand the concept of men not wanting kids in movies and tv shows. Of course I want children. I could make him/her become the greatest human being in the world. How cool would that be?
5. When do you want to die?
Really? You're going to ask me this when I'm only 16? Really?
Opinionated Green
1. Are you against gay marriage?
No. But I did have a good laugh over South Park's suggestion that gay marriage should be renamed to 'Butt Buddies'
2. Lower the drinking age?
Nope. It's too low as it is.
3. Capital Punishment?
In most cases, probably not. But some crimes you just kind of stand there and go what kind of fuck are you that you could go and do that?
4. Abortion?
Pro-choice. If you were too stupid to slip on a love glove whilst copulating, you're definitely too stupid to go ahead and raise kids. If your kid has some sort of defect, then possibly that child would have an incredibly hard and tortured life. If the kid was a result of rape, definitely abort it.
Lovely Blue
1. Do you love someone?
What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me, no more.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nope. I believe in a guy thinking with his dick at first sight, or some chick thinking that the dude is ripped and is pretty hot at first sight though.
3. Do you believe in love?
Yes. I do believe that Kevin Love will lead the Minnesota Timberwolves to glory some day. The guy will one day be a huge super star. 3rd season only and already he's setting records in double doubles, and constantly improving on his game.
Purple Query
Q: How glasses of water did you have today?
A: You forgot to add 'many'. Seriously. That question doesn't even make any sense now.
Q: What color are your socks?
A: Who only has one sock colour?
Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?
A: WANK. That is, Win At NBA 2k12 (the k is from the 2k12)
Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: I have 1 U.S. Penny in my wallet currently.
Q: Are you for or against Hillary?
A: Hillary Duff...hmm...definitely for. Even though she isn't as famous nowadays as she used to be, she's still doing the right things and staying out of negative media.
Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: A bag. Now look away. Now look to your left again. What do you see? You're on an all expense paid cruise sailing to the bahamas.
Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed?
A: I don't borrow clothing.
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most?
A: The 400 views or so that I have? Yeah. 390 of them are from me. The other 10 or so are from the random spammers in my cbox.
Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: Nope.
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: My spinal chord. I just severed it in an attempt to become more flexible. I now consider myself a contortionist.
Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: As in...a camera phone? Or a phone that can display pictures? Bad question...try again.
Last but not Least, Pink
1. Person you saw:
2. Person you sent a text message to:
Jubilees are delicious??
3. Movie watched in cinema:
Hmmm. That would be ages ago. I honestly can't remember. The one I seem to recall is 'Limitless'
4. Song you listened to:
Torches by Foster the People.
5. Person you talked on the phone with:
Jubilees are delicious??
6. What are you doing right now?
The fuck do you think I'm doing right now? Answering your poor excuse for a blog meme.
7. What are you doing tonight?
I'm going to have a super hot
curry dish.
8. What are you going to eat?
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