Hello hello hello. If you are reading this, you are procrastinating. STOP. No I mean it, STOP.
Guess you ignored my very considerate and caring gesture, oh wells. I have no idea what blogs are meant to do, or what I'm meant to do so this should turn out to be an interesting social experiment. The conception of this came about when Taboolz came online and said that she was bored and that I should make a blog. me being the very slow, methodical kind of guy that I am immediately said yes and was immediately faced with a plethora of questions....blogger? tumblr? livejournal? what? And then there was the problem of names...rellikami was taken...this was a stunning discovery - somehow rellikami is available on every single game ive tried, and yet its taken by someone with a blog :( After intense deliberation, the pen in my hand was branded by bic, the closest branded item on Tabool'z desk was Bostik and if you can't figure out how my blog name came about then you should really be concerned.
On that happy, and extremely light hearted note, I will stop this very strange 1st post...thank you reader for reading (readers gonn' read) and goodnight.....for now *creepy chuckle*