Monday, 28 November 2011

Its been a long time

Since I came around. Its been a long time but now I'm back in town...hahah

BUT YES EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER. It is such an amazing feeling the moment its all finished...well not exactly just a few more months till the next set of exams but whatever, one hurdle over.

On the topic of exams there seems to be this trend I notice especially in Ruse students, but some Baulko peeps have been criminal to it as well. Now before I go any further, I do occasionally do this if I'm feeling really insecure about how I did on my exam...but anyways, what I'm talking about is the extraordinary number of people running around asking what I got for this, how I did that, whether or not you could attempt it in that way (im referring especially to math papers here) and I really don't see the point of it. The paper IS OVER. It doesn't matter if you did get the answers you were looking for, because really, the only time those questions are actually useful are either mid-exam and the teachers iono purposefully ignore it or something..and thats about it.

I actually think that doing that kind of thing when you still have exams left over is actually counterproductive. It's like you want to feel bad about yourself so you purposefully ask questions to try and fine mistakes in your own paper....seriously just postpone the judgement to the day where your teacher pulls out those dreaded pieces of paper.

Just something to think about :)


Monday, 21 November 2011


I apologise most profusely for my inactiveness on this blog. Must be my inability to maintaining a balance in my life. I dunno its just that lately I've been procrastinating a lot (don't you dare mention my blog name to me now :P) and my mind has just been floating around in space xD Anyways now I need to run back into my complete mess of a room to ensure that tomorrow I can re-production of materials in my notes.


Sunday, 20 November 2011


English. Actually, BELONGING, is bollocks.

That is all.

Thursday, 10 November 2011


So lets have serious-faceness for once. That's right, put down all those bongs and alcopops and syringes filled with speedecstasymarijuannacocaineheroineLSDalcoholtobaccomorphine that all them teenagers are using these days. Lets talk about aid. Not AIDs - the pleasantries of that topic will have to be saved for a rainy day- but aid, and how we as the more developed country give aid to those who are less privileged. This shit has to stop. You can call me a heartless arsehole if you want, but giving aid to thsoe in need really needs to stop happening. Sure, to those who were affected by natural disasters, where there are really no other alternatives, aid is alright- not the perfect solution, but at least it gives some help. On the other hand, giving aid to countries who have been in a rut for who knows how long really needs to stop.

"but james," exclaims a random person on the street who I imagine to have a bogan accent, wearing thongs and board shorts and a dirty singlet "THINK OF THE CHILDREN IN AFRICA."

Well my strangely stalkerish but good-at-chiming bogan friend, when I think of African children I tend to laugh because I have a bowl of rice and they don't. Well...not really, but that's the real kind of attitude that we as a developed country are adopting. Oh we'll spare the African children a grain of rice or two from our giant bowl of rice, but we'll never teach them how to grow the rice so that they too can have a bowl of rice like us...we'll just laugh at them when they try to learn. It really is a slap to the face to those African kids. If I were an African kid, I probably would hate the fuck out of the U.S., the U.K. all those European superpowers and even good old Australia. I mean, we (Africans) have perfectly good resources...our continent alone has a plethora of natural resources, and we are all able to be trained to perform the same tasks that our counterparts living in privileged countries can perform. But instead of teaching're just randomly throwing bundles of green paper/plastic at us. FUCK I DONT EVEN LIKE THE COLOUR GREEN. BITCH I PREFER BLUE OR YELLOW. 

What charities should be doing isn't going around with some stalkerpic of a child in Africa who is starving. Leave the poor kid alone, stop exploiting his image to try and extort money out of people feeling guilty. They should be trying to form companies in Africa to create trade partnerships between companies in the developing countries with companies in developed countries. That way, the developed country benefits by getting more resources, and the developign countries benefit because for once they'll actually have a leg to stand on to try and raise themselves upwards. 

If we really are the 'compassionate humans' that we constantly call ourselves, we really need to stop all this 'yeah just peddle off some five cent coins to them, then they'll be happy' business. Unfortunatley this won't happen.

1. Rich people like to stay rich. Simple as that. Therefore rich countries also like to stay rich.
2. The idea of giving 'aid' is a more marketable idea. Giving aid is nice and easy. As soon as you've donated, it's out of your mind. If someone came up to you, you being some CEO of a bigtime company, and was all like 'hey man we should like form a partnership with a poorer company based in a country no one's ever heard of. we could be like the dynamic duo man, just us and them. we could change the wooooorllld.', you'd first of all tell them that the hippies era ended 30 years ago or something, and that second if its not gonna make our company money then u might as well be trying to tell me to eat donkey shit cause its not going to happen.
3.Corruption in the developing countries. If a company does actually manage to start up a business - then the paranoid Robert Mugarbes out there are gonna start being paranoid, and cripple that company.

Hahaha holy shit if it was this easy to write an English essay, then i'd probably be pulling drafts out of my asshole every single day - sadly i really dont give a shit about the English modules....If you did manage to read ALL of this then you deserve a prize. In your shoes, I'd probably have switched off a long time ago, so bravo. 


Saturday, 5 November 2011


So yesterday, after coming home from the library I slept. Not just a nap, literally slept from 6PM to 6AM Saturday...12 hours of sleep :D Unfortunately this is the third week in a row that I've done this on Friday arvo.Here's how I imagine my internal argument goes down:

Body: Fuck it, no more school, James has been a dick all week by not going to sleep, and I'm going to reclaim all those lost hours now.


Body: Look I don't give a shit if Woodhouse/other teachers do end up sodomizing me if i dont sleep now im gonna just go on a strike and then James'll just be standing there doing nothing, unable to move.

Brain: UGH I Hate, no I ABHOR union talk - damn employees these days - back in the day in kindergarten there was no such nonsense

Body: yeah thats cause James back then slept at 8PM and woke at 8:30AM with afternoon naps as well. That time was fucken awesome. Now stop arguing with me and let me go to sleep.

Brain: Nope, not gonna allow it! First exams are coming up as well, we need this time to study.

Body: Hmmmm, ok I see your point of view - ok why don't we just lay down on the bed for a bit - just to have a bit of a break before diving into the studies.

Brain: Finally, body is making some sense. Alright we'll lay there for about 5 minutes...agreed?

Body: Yup 5 minutes.

[James goes to lay down]

Body: *flips brain off* HAHAHAHA TRICKED YOU *all organs go to sleep*

[James wakes up at fucken 6AM]

Lol yeah, im crazy. But if you're reading this blog you should probably already have guessed that :P

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


No, I don't mean stop work sillies - you definitely should be working, not reading. What I am referring to is the 2 hour stop work event that happened today. The timing of this could not have possibly been better. Because Mr. Woodhouse, being the lovely, considerate young mustache-less man that he is (in case my sarcasm was not obvious enough), decided that Ruse students in class 6 actually do 10 unit math with a side of 2 unit math, he decided to give us homework...homework which was indeed time consuming and annoyingly hard to do in the wee hours of 4am. Regardless, the stop work event meant extra sleep for everyone, which is awesome, awesome awesome!!

So today I turn up to school like a good boy (actually considered not going - but then the hours I spent on maths would have been rendered moot) and was rendered quizzical by the whole 'place late slip into cardboard box setup'. Connors just happened to be walking past, and so I directed a question towards her, to which she quickly responded 'I'm not talking to students before 10:50 (the time at which this event ended)'. Possibly the union had instructed teachers to disassociate themselves with students, fair enough - they don't want to show signs of weakness - but really? Not even bothering to answer a very simple, and very quick question? Besides I'm not even in any of her classes, nor do I elect to study the subject she teaches, so my question could not have been teaching-related. And then, maybe it was my paranoia...but I'm sure that Mckenzie (who had been talking with Connors) seemed to approve her actions after they walked away....

I dunno, I think that's probably following the words of the union a bit far - given that the question couldn't have been work related, and that the system was screwed up due to an error on their part...Meh. Maybe I'm just overreacting because I was the one who was barred XD